Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction Helping Every Child Succeed

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Edition: 6th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2019-01-28
Publisher(s): Pearson
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The most effective evidence-based, step-by-step strategies for reading assessment and instruction
Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction: Helping Every Child Succeed presents evidence-based reading assessment and instruction procedures in a clear, common-sense style to help teachers inform their instruction and meet individual learners’ needs. Readers can quickly turn to current information on classroom-ready assessment and instruction strategies and determine the best teaching methods using the authors’ popular “IF-THEN” charts.

The 6th Edition features separate chapters for each major component of reading, updated IF-THEN charts, a new chapter on ways educators can involve families and help prevent summer learning loss, new videos and application exercises, expanded instructional strategies for English language learners and for using technology, and more.

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Author Biography

D. Ray Reutzel is Dean of the College of Education at the University of Wyoming. Prior to his current position, he was the Emma Eccles Jones Distinguished Professor and Endowed Chair of Early Literacy Education at Utah State University, a position he held for 14 years. He is the author of more than 230 published research reports in top tier research journals, articles, books, book chapters, and monographs. He is the co-author of the best selling textbook on the teaching of reading, Teaching Children to Read: The Teacher Makes the Difference, 8th Edition published by Pearson. He has received more than 17 million dollars in research/professional development grant funding. He has been active in securing legislative and private foundations gifts in excess of 40 million dollars. He is the past Editor of Literacy Research and Instruction and The Reading Teacher and is the current Executive Editor of the Journal of Educational Research. He received the 1999 A.B. Herr Award and the 2013 ALER Laureate Award from the Association of Literacy Researchers and Educators. Ray served as President of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, ALER, from 2006- 2007. He was presented the J ohn C. Manning Public School Service Award from the International Reading Association, May 2007 in Toronto, Canada and served as a member of the Board of Directors of the International Reading Association from 2007-2010. Ray was a member of the Literacy Research Association’s Board of Directors from 2012-2015. Dr. Reutzel was elected a member of the Reading Hall of Fame in 2011 and is serving as its President from 2017-2019. Ray was also recently named as a member of the International Literacy Association’s prestigious Literacy Research Panel from 2018-2021. He is also an author of school-based literacy instructional materials with Curriculum Associates®.

Dr. Robert B. Cooter, Jr. is Professor Emeritus of literacy education at Bellarmine University. His continuing work focuses on ways of improving education for children living at the poverty level. Cooter previously served as editor of The Reading Teacher (International Literacy Association), and has also co-authored with D. Ray Reutzel Teaching Children to Read: The Teacher Makes the Difference, 8th Edition and The Flynt/Cooter Comprehensive Reading Inventory-2 (CRI-2) with E. Sutton Flynt and Kathleen S. Cooter.

In the public schools, Dr. Cooter previously served as the “Reading Czar” (associate superintendent) for the Dallas Independent School District (TX) leading their massive literacy initiative and was named a Texas State Champion for Reading. Drs. Robert and Kathleen Spencer Cooter received the Urban Impact Award from the Council of Great City Schools for their work designing and implementing highly effective training programs for teachers of reading serving children in low SES elementary schools in Dallas and Memphis. Later, Cooter and his team were awarded a $16 million academic literacy research project in Memphis funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Cooter now resides in Texas and enjoys spending time with his bride of 20+ years, and their dogs, friends, and grandkids on their houseboat, Our Last Child.

Table of Contents

  1. Strategic Reading Instruction
  2. Response to Intervention (RTI): Differentiating Reading Instruction for All Readers
  3. Oral Language and Listening: The Foundation of Literacy
  4. Early Literacy Skills: Phonological and Phonemic Awareness, Letter Name Knowledge, and Concepts about Print
  5. Phonics, Decoding, and Word Recognition Skills
  6. Reading Fluency
  7. Reading Vocabulary
  8. Reading Comprehension: Narrative Texts
  9. Reading Comprehension: Informational Texts
  10. Extending Our Reach: Summer Learning Loss, Family Involvement, and Professional Learning Communities

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